Train from Firenze to Pisa departing 9.28am and arriving at 10.38am (1h 10m) 

The Baptistery 

  • Largest Baptistery in Italy and is a stunning architectural feat. We should also check out the Piazza, which is nearby and has a range of food options. Given Pisa is located in Tuscany this is a unique opportunity to try new cuisine!
  • There is also a crooked tower in the precinct which may be worth a look. You can purchase tickets to climb it, but I think the leaning effect may be more appreciated from ground level.

The coast.

  • We could continue from Pisa to the coast to spend the rest of the day as a beach day!
  • Single Fin Tuscany Dog Beach seems really nice.
  • Otherwise we can head back to the hostel after a few hours and swim there

In the evening we should head out for food/a sunset. 

Piazzale Michelangelo

  • Here we can watch a sunset over the city with beers in hand. On the way back to our hostel, we could stop by a bar or two…or three in the Basilica di Santo Spirito bar region.